Free E-book: 'Nourish your Gut in 5 Simple Steps!'​

My Journey to Becoming a Nutritionist

I started this journey of studying Nutrition in 2019, oh yes, the beginning of the pandemic! It was one of the best decisions I’ve ever made. My interest in alternative medicine and nutrition started when I was diagnosed with Chronic Fatigue Syndrome (CFS) over 12 years ago. I decided to take my health into my own hands by finding the healing route to my chronic fatigue, which interestingly ended up being gut related.

I wanted to share my experience, because I know more and more people are becoming aware of, and engaged in the power of nutrition. Alternative medicine is becoming more recognised as a viable solution to chronic diseases. When you’ve graduated and you start your own clinic it’s all worth it to see the instrumental part you play in people’s health journey!

I’ve always been a practical thinker, rather than an academic; so studying something that was so fascinating and important gave me the ability to persevere through the challenging bioscience modules. Applying that knowledge to my clients health complaints in the final year made it all worthwhile.

The Transformative Power of Nutrition: Nutrition is not just about what we eat; it’s about understanding the science behind food, and its impact on our bodies. As a nutritionist, I have the opportunity to empower others to make informed choices about their well-being, leading to healthier, happier lives. Imagine being at the forefront of a movement that encourages individuals to adopt sustainable and nourishing habits, leading to transforming families, and communities. This is where Nutritionists can come in and help in preventative health measures, especially at the moment where the NHS is under pressure.

How to become a nutritionist

Hands-On Experience: One of the most rewarding aspects of studying nutrition is the experience gained through observing nutritionists in clinic, to working with your own clients in the final year. This is where it gets exciting, because everything you’ve learned finally comes alive!

Building a Network: As you progress through your studies, one of the great things is building community with fellow students. You get to share, help and ask advice from other graduates, which really helps when you have your own clinic. Building a strong network contributes to the success of your business, client results, and continues to be a valuable resource in your ongoing professional development.

Becoming a nutritionist is a journey that promises personal and professional growth, as well as the opportunity to positively impact the lives of others. Alternative medicine as a new career path is really exciting. The industry is growing fast, so there’s lots of career opportunities, and being part of the health solution is an amazing feeling!

how to become a nutritionist

Are you passionate about health, wellness, and the profound impact of nutrition on our lives? If so, you might be on the brink of discovering your true calling as a nutritionist!

I studied Naturopathic Nutrition at the College of Naturopathic Medicine. The course was three years in total, with the first year studying biomedicine, then two years of nutrition. It’s never too late to study, and the best part is it’s super flexible!

If this is something you might be interested in, here’s a link to the  College of Naturopathic Medicine If you mention Abi Owens – The Goodness Guide you get a £250 discount, providing you sign up within 90 days. Drop me a message if you have any questions about becoming a Nutritionist!

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